Hermanto, Widjiati, Ernawati, 2008
Comparing apoptotic index of offspring Rat’s brain cells which being exposed with Mozart compositions since early pregnancy, ten day of pregnancy and no exposure
Experimental analytic study with double blind randomized controlled trial on the Rattus novergicus’ fetuses. Independent variables were Mozart compostions exposed since early pregnancy (Group 1), 10 day of pregnancy (group 2) and no exposure during pregnancy (control group); each groups consisted of 15 fetus. We sacrificed the offsrpings immediately after deliveris with chloroform. We picked up the brains, made the histological slides and buried the remain tissues. We used TUNEL method (Terminal Deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated deoxy-UTP nick end labeling) and counted the apoptotic indexes and the results calculated with statistical test.
There were significant different of apoptotic index between control group (mean 13,4 ± 4,32) and the exposed groups (group 1: mean 7,67 ± 2,26 and group 2: mean 9,20 ± 2,21). There were 30-40% decreased. But there were no significant different between group 1 and group 2.
The apoptotic index of the exposed groups were significantly lower than control group but there are no significant different between group 1 and group 2. In human clinical settings, this study showed us that the Mozart exposure can be started at 20 week of pregnancy, no need exposure from early pregnancy
Apototic index, Mozart songs, Rattus Novergicus, pregnancy.