Niken WS, Hermanto T.J, Dikman A,, Margarita M
MFM division, Dept. Obgyn, SOM Unair - dr Soetomo GH Surabaya
Presented at ISOG Congress XIV Surabaya August 2009
Objective: Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor(BDNF) is a protein that is abundant in brain and peripheral nerve, affect neuron development, growth and survival. The purpose of this study to compare the level of BDNF in newborn human umbilical cord blood between exposed and non exposed group to 11 Mozart compositions during pregnancy
Design and method: analytical and experimental study, randomized double blind controlled trial. Subjects: 30 low risk pregnancies in 32 weeks of gestational age, randomly divided into two groups. The intervention group was exposed to 11 Mozart compositions by headphone abdominally for 1 hour at 8 – 9 pm every day until delivery. Perinatal outcome and BDNF assessed in the two groups. The level of BDNF newborn umbilical cord blood was measured by ELISA menthod
Result: There were no differences in birthweight, head circumference, Apgar score, IUGR, IUFD, need for resuscitation and admission to NICU between the two groups There were significant different in the levels of newborn cord blood BDNF between exposed and non exposed groups(12.221,33 pg versus 8577,60 pg, p;0.02)
Conclusion: There were no significant differences in the perinatal outcome. BDNF level of neonatal umbilical cord blood were significantly higher in exposed group compared to non exposed group.
Keyword: BDNF, perinatal outcome, 11 Mozart compositions, pregnancy
4 komentar:
Dok hermanto, tolong untuk urutan musik mozart disertakan judul & urut-urutannya dong
Dok Hermanto,
bisa tidak untuk musik mozart disertakan judul & urut-urutannya,
Thxz Dok
dok hermanto,
gmana saya bisa mendapatkan 11 urutan lagu mozart? tq
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