

Minggu, 06 Januari 2008

Apoptotic Index of Rattus novergicus Offsprings Brain’ Cells. Randomized Double Blind Trial Between Exposed and Nonexposed Group to Mozart Composition

Hermanto, Widjiati, Rizarina 2005
Aims: The main purposes of this experimental study was to compare the apoptotic index of the offsprings’s rat brain cells between exposed and nonexposed group to the Mozart compositions during pregnancy.

Methode: Experimental study, double blind randomized study. Intervention group, consisted of 4-5 3 months healthy female Rattus novergicus. chosen randomly and divided into two groups, first with musical exposure and the other as the control group. Superovulations were performed by administering 5 IU PGMSG injection, followed by HcG 5 IU 48 hours later and then breeded monomatingly. During pregnancy, eleven Mozart compositions were used as independent variable and exposed in the night, at the same time, duration and volume. After delivery, the offsprings were ‘sacrificed’ by chloroform, and their brain cells for both groups were prepared by TUNEL (Terminal Deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated deoxy-UTP nick end labeling) method-developed by Gavrielli et al, to detect DNA fragment. The apoptotic cells were analyzed in 1000 x magnifying microscope and the index were analyzed by Mann Whitney in SPSS 11. Settings. The study conducted at Dr Soetomo General Hospital and Veterinary Hospital Surabaya after ethical clearance. For TUNEL preparation performed in Malang. The study conducted on November 2004 to February 2005

Each group consisted of 10 rats, treated monomatingly to get pregnant (2 pregnancy in intervention group and 3 in control group) resulted in 12 and 18 offsprings respectively and 11 chosen in each group to be prepared. No significant different in gestational age (22-23 days) and offsprings weights (15 – 18 g) between two groups; though the heaviest birth and head weights were in the exposed group. Apoptotic index in intervention group were 2 (5) and 3(6) and in control group 6(1), 7(3), 8(5) and 9(2) with median 3 and 8 and p 0,000 (significant). By Spearman correlation test we found rho = -,887 in - p 0,000, a significant correlation between apoptotic index and the intervention.

The apoptotic index of exposed group was significantly lower than the non exposed group. This study confirmed and proved the effect of Mozart compositions during pregnancy in decreasing the apoptotic index of rat brain cells that might also occur to the human brain.

Rattus novergicus, offspring’s brain cells, Mozart compositions during pregnancy, apoptotic index.

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