Hermanto, Widjiati, Ismudi 2007
Aims: to compare the Apoptotic Index of Offsprings rat brain cells exposed to 3 different sequences of Mozart compositions
Methode: Experimental study, double blind randomized study. Intervention group, consisted of 4-5 months healthy female Mus musculus chosen randomly and divided into two groups, first with musical exposure and the other as the control group. The intervention group divided into 3 subgroups according to the sequences of Mozart compositions. Superovulations were performed by administering 5 IU PGMSG injection, followed by HcG 5 IU 48 hours later and then breeded monomatingly. During pregnancy, 3 different sequences of Mozart compositions were used as independent variable which were used in the night, at the same time, duration and volume. After delivery, the offsprings were ‘sacrificed’ by chloroform, and their brain cells of the two groups were prepared by TUNEL (Terminal Deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated deoxy-UTP nick end labeling)- developed by Gavrielli et al, to detect DNA fragment. The apoptotic cells were analyzed in 1000x magnifying microscope and the index were analyzed by Mann Whitney in SPSS 11. Settings. The study conducted at Dr Soetomo General Hospital and Veterinary Hospital Surabaya after ethical clearance and conducted on May 2007 – August 2007
Results: There were no dead fetus, no congenital major malformations and low birth weights in all groups. The heaviest birthweight and headweight achieved by the 1st sequence. Apoptotic index exposed to the first sequence was 8,22 ± 0,97, the second sequence was 9,44 ± 1,24, the third sequence was 9,56 ± 1,42 and nonexposed/ control was 18 ± 1,22. These differences were statistically significant either between exposed and nonexposed group and also between sub groups. (p=0,042 and p=0028), but not between the second and the third group
Conclusions: Different sequences of Mozart compositions showed different apoptotic index. The 1st sequence gave the lowest apoptotic index compared with other group.
Keywords: Mus musculus, offspring brain cells, apoptotic index, Mozart compositions sequences
Keywords: 3 sequences of Mozart compositions, Apoptotic Index, Offsprings Mus musculus brain cells
Keywords: Mus musculus, offspring brain cells, apoptotic index, Mozart compositions sequences
Keywords: 3 sequences of Mozart compositions, Apoptotic Index, Offsprings Mus musculus brain cells
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