

Minggu, 06 Januari 2008

The Influence of Mozart K265 Abdominally Exposed to the Biophysical Profile of Term Singleton Fetuses Evaluated by 2 D and “4 D” USG scanning

Hermanto, Agus S, Didi D 2004
Aims: To analyze the influence of Mozart K265 exposed abdominally to the biophysical profile of term singleton low risk pregnancies.

Experimental study to pregnant women from Dr Soetomo General Hospital outpatient clinic in September 2004. 12 singleton term low risk pregnancies exposed to Mozart K265 after signed informed consent and ethical clearance. The fetal biophysical profile (Cardiotochography, fetal movement, fetal breathing movement, fetal heart M mode, Doppler velocimetry of umbilical artery, and face profile/ mimic: smiling, yawning, palpebra movement) scanned by 2 D and 4 D probe of GE Voluson Expert . The fetal FBP recorded by Hitachi EUB 515A USG scanner and, cardiotocography by HP series 50 A. These dependent variables recorded twice, before and soon after the Mozart K265 exposure.

No fetal distress observed during and after intervention. Before and after exposure, there were significant changes in fetal heart baseline rate 136,25 + 6,44 and 142,50 + 7,50, fetal heart acceleration 8/4 to 12/0, fetal heart variability 6,5 + 1,73 to 10,0 + 1,21, fetal breathing movement 1/10/1/0 to 0/1/6/5; There were no significant changes in fetal movement 10/2 to 12/0, m Mode 144,00 + 14,31 and 150,25 + 10,59, Doppler Velocimetry umbilical arteries Pulsatility Index 0,82 + 0,12 to 0,86 + 0,09, Resistance Index 0,55 + 0,04 to 0,57 + 0,04 and S/D ratio 2,16 + 0,34 to 2,29 + 0,37, fetal mimic (mostly eyes and mouth closed)

There were significant changes before and after Mozart K265 exposure in fetal heart rate baseline and acceleration, fetal breathing movement. No significant changes in fetal movement, M mode of fetal heart, Pulsatility Index, Resistance Index and S/D ratio of Umbilical artery Doppler velocimetry, and fetal mimic

Mozart K265, Biophysical Profile, Term Pregnancy, USG 2 D and “4 D”

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