Hermanto, Estoepangestoe ATS, Widjiati. 2002
Aims: This study aimed to explore the influence of musical exposure during pregnancy to the number of offsprings’ rat brain cells.
Methode: Experimental study. Twenty four female 4-5 months-aged Rattus novergicus chosen randomly and divided into two groups, first with musical exposure and the other as the control group. The exposed group divided into three subgroups: with Mozart music, with gamelan music and with nDangdut music, each group consisted of 6 rats. Superovulations were performed by administering 5 IU PGMSG injection, followed by HcG 5 IU 48 hours later and then breeded monomatingly. During pregnancy, musical exposure were given 30 minutes each day until delivery: in days 21. After delivery, the offsprings brain cells were prepared, fixed in buffered formaldehyde, stained in silver nitrate and evaluated in 1000 x magnifying microscope.
Result: There were no fetal dead, low birth weight, and malformation in all groups. The number of offsprings’ rat brain cells in the exposed group were significantly increased, compared with the control group, the highest was almost 300% percent. The number of offsprings’ rat brain cells of the Mozart group were 136,9 ± 9,89, Gamelan group 80,58 ± 3,19, nDangdut group 70,79 ± 5,56, while the control group 44,21 ± 11,75; which were statistically significant between two groups and also between the subgroups.(p
Conclusion: Musical exposure to the pregnant Rattus novergicus increased the offsprings’ rat brain cells significantly. The increase of the offsprings’ brain cells was the highest on Mozart music, followed by Gamelan and Dangdut.
Aims: This study aimed to explore the influence of musical exposure during pregnancy to the number of offsprings’ rat brain cells.
Methode: Experimental study. Twenty four female 4-5 months-aged Rattus novergicus chosen randomly and divided into two groups, first with musical exposure and the other as the control group. The exposed group divided into three subgroups: with Mozart music, with gamelan music and with nDangdut music, each group consisted of 6 rats. Superovulations were performed by administering 5 IU PGMSG injection, followed by HcG 5 IU 48 hours later and then breeded monomatingly. During pregnancy, musical exposure were given 30 minutes each day until delivery: in days 21. After delivery, the offsprings brain cells were prepared, fixed in buffered formaldehyde, stained in silver nitrate and evaluated in 1000 x magnifying microscope.
Result: There were no fetal dead, low birth weight, and malformation in all groups. The number of offsprings’ rat brain cells in the exposed group were significantly increased, compared with the control group, the highest was almost 300% percent. The number of offsprings’ rat brain cells of the Mozart group were 136,9 ± 9,89, Gamelan group 80,58 ± 3,19, nDangdut group 70,79 ± 5,56, while the control group 44,21 ± 11,75; which were statistically significant between two groups and also between the subgroups.(p
Conclusion: Musical exposure to the pregnant Rattus novergicus increased the offsprings’ rat brain cells significantly. The increase of the offsprings’ brain cells was the highest on Mozart music, followed by Gamelan and Dangdut.
Keywords: Pregnant Rattus novergicus, musical exposure; Mozart, Gamelan, Dangdut, offsprings’ rat brain cells
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