Hermanto, Agus S, Indra P 2005
Aims: The purpose of this study was to compare the fetal biophysical profile (fBPP) changes due to WA Mozart K265 compositions exposed to the singleton term pregnant women by day and night.
Methode: It was a pre and post-test design, each group consisted of 12 term low risk pregnancies from outpatient clinic Dr Soetomo General Hospital, November – December 2005, after signed informed consent and ethical clearance. The fetal heart rate(FHR) baseline, frequency and duration of the FHR acceleration, fetal breathing movement, fetal movement, M mode and Doppler velocimetry (Pulsatility and Resistancy index) of the umbilical artery recorded before and after K265 exposure. The loudspeakers placed abdominally, volume were set 3 on the panel (heard only by the fetus not the mother), the fetal FBP recorded by Hitachi EUB 515A USG scanner and, cardiotocography by HP series 50 A.
Results: No fetal distress observed during and after exposure in the day and night. And no significant differences in all variables studied before and after exposure in the night. There were statistically significant differences in frequency, increase and duration of fetal heart accelerations, and the number of fetal movements percepted by mothers in the day. There were significant differences between changes in frequency 1,25±1,06 to -0,42±0,99 and increase of the fetal heart acceleration 7,33±10,00 to -2,46±11,61 between day and night.
Conclusions: This study showed that the effects Mozart K265 on FBP modulated by diurnal pattern. A more sophisticated study on the effect of musical exposure to the fetal behaviour and brain by functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Positron Emition Tomography was proposed in order to have a safe, cheap and rational methode to increase the intelligences of the fetus.
Keywords: Fetal Biophysical Profile, K265 Mozart compositions, day and night.
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